A free standard account allows access to complimentary services and a no-obligation 30-day device trial. Provide your details below and we will automatically send you a free standard account passport.
Device trials run for 30 days from when your device trial is created. Device trials are limited to a single device and only include the basic subscription, SIM cards, SMS and other premium features are not included. Your device trial will automatically expire at the end of 30 days unless you choose to upgrade to a premium account and include the device in the upgrade. Upon expiry of a device trial, the associated device will become inaccessible and data collection will stop. There is a 30-day grace period during which if you upgrade to a premium account and include the device in the upgrade, the device will be transitioned to a paid subscription and collection will resume and access to the device will be restored. We reserve the right to expire a device trial at any point during the trial period without notice.